Wednesday, December 28, 2011

South Padre 1 - Family Pictures

So Urip and I decided we would spend the morning of our second day trying to get some good family pictures. Two hours later after much crying, fit throwing, laughter, tickling, funny faces (mostly from me) we had a look at all our hard work.

Urip couldn't quite figure out how to get the remote to work.
Wait maybe the remote wasn't working as well as we thought.
Oh no the remote again. LOVE Noora's expression in this picture.
Uhmmm still NO!

Funny thing is the first picture we took was one of my favorites!


I loved taking these pics with the girls!

I really love how this picture is not centered!

Noora took her turn at the camera and took this amazingly cheesy shot!!!! I think it's Fabulous! be continued.

1 comment:

Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum dearest sis,

Absolutely LOVE the pics!!

Haha..ya sometimes the best pictures are those not planned as well as we want :)

Thanks for sharing!

Love Farhana