Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fantasy Fudge

I went to visit my parents for the winter break. My mom of course wanted the girls to help her make fudge! I have tried for years to make my mom's fudge but it never ends up as wonderful as my mom's. After watching my mom and sharing stories of my bowl licking escapades as a child, my girls got the chance to lick the spoons and bowl. I did get to eat a small spoon full of the delightful creation. RaRa being the youngest of the two and having not learned the art of not getting too messy, was enjoying each delicious spoon full. I hope everyone has a chance to make their own fudge at least once in their life. Don't forget to lick the bowl and spoons when finished. There is no sense in letting any of that fudge go to waste.

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