Saturday, July 4, 2009

Imagine the possibilities

I can't stop with the projects. I think everyone was concerned that I wouldn't take a break from school. I just traded in one passion for another. With the tragedy of Micheal Jackson being so much a part of the media for the last week, I have watched his facial transformation from the time he was young until his final onstage rehearsal. In the past I would say that I could not understand how someone would become so obsessive over something, especially their looks. However, I think obsessions can take many forms. Right now my obsession is my house. I am having so much fun changing things around but it comes at a price. My need to bring something to completion is almost hilarious bordering on severe mental impairment. Today is a perfect example. I honestly thought I could sand four chairs and a table and have everything put together by nightfall. It is two hours from nightfall and I am so glad I scaled the task back. I love the color of the chairs but I am glad I didn't go with my first inclination to paint the table red. Looking at my Imagine expression, I have fallen inlove with the creme paper in the back. Therefore, I think I am going to try a creme color for the table. I think it will be more work as I will need to strip the old paint off but I think it's going to look fabulous! I also think I am going to find a lighter table cloth. If you click on this photo it will take you to my photo stream and you can see the pictures of the chairs! ENJOY!

1 comment:

The Hazelwood Family said...

I am SO proud that you have taken a break from school!!!