Monday, March 22, 2010

A very pleasant day!

Thanks to Rara we had the most amazing dinner. Garlic Chicken with Sauteed Mushrooms. If you want to see a delightful picture of the finished product, please head on over to my other blog. This morning the girls and I woke up at 5 and the encouraged me through a workout of pilates. In fact Rara enjoyed working out with me. We were in the car by 6 and made it to the coffee shop by 6:15. The girls had two children's hot chocolates and enjoyed a quick game of checkers. Initially I wanted to rush them out of the shop and get to work so I could start my day but I realized that they were very engaged in their checkers and I just needed to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. I think I often forget to enjoy those moments when there is no fighting and they are content. Thanks for another fabulous day girls.

1 comment:

Texan after UAE said...

how cute! masha'a'Allah! A ha! i found your follower thingy and now I am following you on this blog! come follow me.. (((hugs))) your girls! are beautiful! masha'a'Allah!